Post photo, private photo of my Volvo and Briksdalsbreen


I’ve cycled many great roads in Norway but this was perhaps the most epic and challenging to experience. Few people know about this incredible 100-year-old mountain road. This is my story of trying to ride it in July 2022. Let’s just say things didn’t go to plan.

00:00 – Intro to the Road

02:36 – Day 1- Heading to the mountains

03:51 – Day 2 – Bygdin Lake and the gravel roads, Jotunheimen National Park

06:07 – Day 2 – Start of Tusenmeteren

08:07 -The End, Failure, and the Intermission

08:54 – Going Back

10:25 -Tusenmeterem the Oppsite Way

11:32 – Reaching the 100-year-old Tunnel

12:11 – Light at the end of the Tunnel

For more practical information about this road visit Cycle Norway’s Facebook page: / cyclenorwaycom

Visit for more information about cycling in Norway.

#gravelroad #matthewnorway #cyclevlog #jotunheim #tusenmeteren #norway #epicroads

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By Johnsen

Velkommen, dette er en uavhengig "publikasjon" lansert januar 2018 Jeg er en stolt far og bestefar som elsker friluftsliv og å tilbringe tid med hunden min, King Kenny, en Norsk Elghund Sort. Her på bloggen min deler jeg mine erfaringer fra våre turer, litt tips til andre friluftsentusiaster, og forhåpentligvis gi dere inspirasjon til å komme seg ut og nyte vår flotte natur.

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